/*! loadCSS. [c]2017 Filament Group, Inc. MIT License */
!function(a){"use strict";var b=function(b,c,d){function e(a){return h.body?a():void setTimeout(function(){e(a)})}function f(){i.addEventListener&&i.removeEventListener("load",f),i.media=d||"all"}var g,h=a.document,i=h.createElement("link");if(c)g=c;else{var j=(h.body||h.getElementsByTagName("head")[0]).childNodes;g=j[j.length-1]}var k=h.styleSheets;i.rel="stylesheet",i.href=b,i.media="only x",e(function(){g.parentNode.insertBefore(i,c?g:g.nextSibling)});var l=function(a){for(var b=i.href,c=k.length;c--;)if(k[c].href===b)return a();setTimeout(function(){l(a)})};return i.addEventListener&&i.addEventListener("load",f),i.onloadcssdefined=l,l(f),i};"undefined"!=typeof exports?exports.loadCSS=b:a.loadCSS=b}("undefined"!=typeof global?global:this);
/*! loadCSS rel=preload polyfill. [c]2017 Filament Group, Inc. MIT License */
!function(a){if(a.loadCSS){var b=loadCSS.relpreload={};if(b.support=function(){try{return a.document.createElement("link").relList.supports("preload")}catch(b){return!1}},b.poly=function(){for(var b=a.document.getElementsByTagName("link"),c=0;c' ).text( WPAkismet.strings['Removing...'] ) );
success: function (response) {
if (response) {
// Show status/undo link
$("#author_comment_url_"+ thisId)
.attr('cid', thisId)
$( '' ).text( WPAkismet.strings['URL removed'] )
.append( ' ' )
$( '' )
.text( WPAkismet.strings['(undo)'] )
.addClass( 'akismet-span-link' )
return false;
}).on( 'click', '.akismet_undo_link_removal', function () {
var thisId = $(this).attr('cid');
var thisUrl = $(this).attr('href');
var data = {
action: 'comment_author_reurl',
_wpnonce: WPAkismet.comment_author_url_nonce,
id: thisId,
url: thisUrl
url: ajaxurl,
type: 'POST',
data: data,
beforeSend: function () {
// Show temp status
$("#author_comment_url_"+ thisId).html( $( '' ).text( WPAkismet.strings['Re-adding...'] ) );
success: function (response) {
if (response) {
// Add "x" link
$("a[commentid='"+ thisId +"']").show();
// Show link. Core strips leading http://, so let's do that too.
$("#author_comment_url_"+ thisId).removeClass('akismet_undo_link_removal').text( thisUrl.replace( /^http:\/\/(www\.)?/ig, '' ) );
return false;
// Show a preview image of the hovered URL. Applies to author URLs and URLs inside the comments.
if ( "enable_mshots" in WPAkismet && WPAkismet.enable_mshots ) {
$( '#the-comment-list' ).on( 'mouseover', mshotEnabledLinkSelector, function () {
clearTimeout( mshotRemovalTimer );
if ( $( '.akismet-mshot' ).length > 0 ) {
if ( $( '.akismet-mshot:first' ).data( 'link' ) == this ) {
// The preview is already showing for this link.
else {
// A new link is being hovered, so remove the old preview.
$( '.akismet-mshot' ).remove();
clearTimeout( mshotRetryTimer );
var linkUrl = $( this ).attr( 'href' );
if ( preloadedMshotURLs.indexOf( linkUrl ) !== -1 ) {
// This preview image was already preloaded, so begin with a retry URL so the user doesn't see the placeholder image for the first second.
mshotTries = 2;
else {
mshotTries = 1;
var mShot = $( '
' );
mShot.data( 'link', this );
mShot.data( 'url', linkUrl );
mShot.find( 'img' ).on( 'load', function () {
$( '.akismet-mshot' ).data( 'pending-request', false );
} );
var offset = $( this ).offset();
mShot.offset( {
left : Math.min( $( window ).width() - 475, offset.left + $( this ).width() + 10 ), // Keep it on the screen if the link is near the edge of the window.
top: offset.top + ( $( this ).height() / 2 ) - 101 // 101 = top offset of the arrow plus the top border thickness
} );
$( 'body' ).append( mShot );
mshotRetryTimer = setTimeout( retryMshotUntilLoaded, mshotRetryInterval );
} ).on( 'mouseout', 'a[id^="author_comment_url"], tr.pingback td.column-author a:first-of-type, td.comment p a', function () {
mshotRemovalTimer = setTimeout( function () {
clearTimeout( mshotRetryTimer );
$( '.akismet-mshot' ).remove();
}, 200 );
} );
var preloadDelayTimer = null;
$( window ).on( 'scroll resize', function () {
clearTimeout( preloadDelayTimer );
preloadDelayTimer = setTimeout( preloadMshotsInViewport, 500 );
} );
* The way mShots works is if there was no screenshot already recently generated for the URL,
* it returns a "loading..." image for the first request. Then, some subsequent request will
* receive the actual screenshot, but it's unknown how long it will take. So, what we do here
* is continually re-request the mShot, waiting a second after every response until we get the
* actual screenshot.
function retryMshotUntilLoaded() {
clearTimeout( mshotRetryTimer );
var imageWidth = $( '.akismet-mshot img' ).get(0).naturalWidth;
if ( imageWidth == 0 ) {
// It hasn't finished loading yet the first time. Check again shortly.
setTimeout( retryMshotUntilLoaded, mshotRetryInterval );
else if ( imageWidth == 400 ) {
// It loaded the preview image.
if ( mshotTries == 20 ) {
// Give up if we've requested the mShot 20 times already.
if ( ! $( '.akismet-mshot' ).data( 'pending-request' ) ) {
$( '.akismet-mshot' ).data( 'pending-request', true );
$( '.akismet-mshot .mshot-image' ).attr( 'src', akismet_mshot_url( $( '.akismet-mshot' ).data( 'url' ), mshotTries ) );
mshotRetryTimer = setTimeout( retryMshotUntilLoaded, mshotRetryInterval );
else {
// All done.
function preloadMshotsInViewport() {
var windowWidth = $( window ).width();
var windowHeight = $( window ).height();
$( '#the-comment-list' ).find( mshotEnabledLinkSelector ).each( function ( index, element ) {
var linkUrl = $( this ).attr( 'href' );
// Don't attempt to preload an mshot for a single link twice.
if ( preloadedMshotURLs.indexOf( linkUrl ) !== -1 ) {
// The URL is already preloaded.
return true;
if ( typeof element.getBoundingClientRect !== 'function' ) {
// The browser is too old. Return false to stop this preloading entirely.
return false;
var rect = element.getBoundingClientRect();
if ( rect.top >= 0 && rect.left >= 0 && rect.bottom <= windowHeight && rect.right <= windowWidth ) {
akismet_preload_mshot( linkUrl );
$( this ).data( 'akismet-mshot-preloaded', true );
} );
$( '.checkforspam.enable-on-load' ).on( 'click', function( e ) {
if ( $( this ).hasClass( 'ajax-disabled' ) ) {
// Akismet hasn't been configured yet. Allow the user to proceed to the button's link.
if ( $( this ).hasClass( 'button-disabled' ) ) {
window.location.href = $( this ).data( 'success-url' ).replace( '__recheck_count__', 0 ).replace( '__spam_count__', 0 );
$('.checkforspam').addClass('button-disabled').addClass( 'checking' );
$('.checkforspam-spinner').addClass( 'spinner' ).addClass( 'is-active' );
akismet_check_for_spam(0, 100);
}).removeClass( 'button-disabled' );
var spam_count = 0;
var recheck_count = 0;
function akismet_check_for_spam(offset, limit) {
var check_for_spam_buttons = $( '.checkforspam' );
var nonce = check_for_spam_buttons.data( 'nonce' );
// We show the percentage complete down to one decimal point so even queues with 100k
// pending comments will show some progress pretty quickly.
var percentage_complete = Math.round( ( recheck_count / check_for_spam_buttons.data( 'pending-comment-count' ) ) * 1000 ) / 10;
// Update the progress counter on the "Check for Spam" button.
$( '.checkforspam' ).text( check_for_spam_buttons.data( 'progress-label' ).replace( '%1$s', percentage_complete ) );
'action': 'akismet_recheck_queue',
'offset': offset,
'limit': limit,
'nonce': nonce
function(result) {
if ( 'error' in result ) {
// An error is only returned in the case of a missing nonce, so we don't need the actual error message.
window.location.href = check_for_spam_buttons.data( 'failure-url' );
recheck_count += result.counts.processed;
spam_count += result.counts.spam;
if (result.counts.processed < limit) {
window.location.href = check_for_spam_buttons.data( 'success-url' ).replace( '__recheck_count__', recheck_count ).replace( '__spam_count__', spam_count );
else {
// Account for comments that were caught as spam and moved out of the queue.
akismet_check_for_spam(offset + limit - result.counts.spam, limit);
if ( "start_recheck" in WPAkismet && WPAkismet.start_recheck ) {
$( '.checkforspam' ).click();
if ( typeof MutationObserver !== 'undefined' ) {
// Dynamically add the "X" next the the author URL links when a comment is quick-edited.
var comment_list_container = document.getElementById( 'the-comment-list' );
if ( comment_list_container ) {
var observer = new MutationObserver( function ( mutations ) {
for ( var i = 0, _len = mutations.length; i < _len; i++ ) {
if ( mutations[i].addedNodes.length > 0 ) {
// Once we know that we'll have to check for new author links, skip the rest of the mutations.
} );
observer.observe( comment_list_container, { attributes: true, childList: true, characterData: true } );
function akismet_enable_comment_author_url_removal() {
$( '#the-comment-list' )
.find( 'tr.comment, tr[id ^= "comment-"]' )
.find( '.column-author a[href^="http"]:first' ) // Ignore mailto: links, which would be the comment author's email.
.each(function () {
if ( $( this ).parent().find( '.akismet_remove_url' ).length > 0 ) {
var linkHref = $(this).attr( 'href' );
// Ignore any links to the current domain, which are diagnostic tools, like the IP address link
// or any other links another plugin might add.
var currentHostParts = document.location.href.split( '/' );
var currentHost = currentHostParts[0] + '//' + currentHostParts[2] + '/';
if ( linkHref.indexOf( currentHost ) != 0 ) {
var thisCommentId = $(this).parents('tr:first').attr('id').split("-");
.attr("id", "author_comment_url_"+ thisCommentId[1])
$( 'x' )
.attr( 'commentid', thisCommentId[1] )
.attr( 'title', WPAkismet.strings['Remove this URL'] )
* Generate an mShot URL if given a link URL.
* @param string linkUrl
* @param int retry If retrying a request, the number of the retry.
* @return string The mShot URL;
function akismet_mshot_url( linkUrl, retry ) {
var mshotUrl = '//s0.wp.com/mshots/v1/' + encodeURIComponent( linkUrl ) + '?w=900';
if ( retry > 1 ) {
mshotUrl += '&r=' + encodeURIComponent( retry );
mshotUrl += '&source=akismet';
return mshotUrl;
* Begin loading an mShot preview of a link.
* @param string linkUrl
function akismet_preload_mshot( linkUrl ) {
var img = new Image();
img.src = akismet_mshot_url( linkUrl );
preloadedMshotURLs.push( linkUrl );
$( '.akismet-could-be-primary' ).each( function () {
var form = $( this ).closest( 'form' );
form.data( 'initial-state', form.serialize() );
form.on( 'change keyup', function () {
var self = $( this );
var submit_button = self.find( '.akismet-could-be-primary' );
if ( self.serialize() != self.data( 'initial-state' ) ) {
submit_button.addClass( 'akismet-is-primary' );
else {
submit_button.removeClass( 'akismet-is-primary' );
} );
} );
* Shows the Enter API key form
$( '.akismet-enter-api-key-box__reveal' ).on( 'click', function ( e ) {
var div = $( '.akismet-enter-api-key-box__form-wrapper' );
div.show( 500 );
div.find( 'input[name=key]' ).focus();
$( this ).hide();
} );
* Hides the Connect with Jetpack form | Shows the Activate Akismet Account form
$( 'a.toggle-ak-connect' ).on( 'click', function ( e ) {
$( '.akismet-ak-connect' ).slideToggle('slow');
$( 'a.toggle-ak-connect' ).hide();
$( '.akismet-jp-connect' ).hide();
$( 'a.toggle-jp-connect' ).show();
} );
* Shows the Connect with Jetpack form | Hides the Activate Akismet Account form
$( 'a.toggle-jp-connect' ).on( 'click', function ( e ) {
$( '.akismet-jp-connect' ).slideToggle('slow');
$( 'a.toggle-jp-connect' ).hide();
$( '.akismet-ak-connect' ).hide();
$( 'a.toggle-ak-connect' ).show();
} );
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